
Company name: ANAEI OG
Legal form: Offene Gesellschaft (General partnership)
Object of business: Commercial trade
VAT reference: ATU73016737
Company number: FN 485654y
Court of registration: Vienna Commercial Court
Registered office: 1010 Vienna
Full geographical address: Dominikanerbastei 10/15A, 1010 Vienna
Partners authorized to represent the company: Mag. Anabelle Barbara Summer, Mag. (FH) Isabella Fuchs, Andriani Nikolakopoulou
Contact information:
Membership of chambers of commerce: Member of the WKÖ (Austrian Federal Economic Chamber), Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Trade Division

Regulatory authority/trade regulator: Magistrat der Stadt Wien (Municipal Authority of the City of Vienna)
Professional regulations: Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung) 1994

Consumers have the opportunity to address complaints to the online dispute resolution platform of the European Union



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